LEFT JOIN - Return empty results with left join for sum of payment_method

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LEFT JOIN - Return empty results with left join for sum of payment_method
This is my first question on stackoverflow so I try my best to not screw up. I am scratching my head on this query for a couple of hours and can't make any progress.
I use a view which has several bookings in it. All those bookings have a payment_method e.g. paypal or creditcard.
Customer Name | Price | payment_method
John Doe | 20 | creditcard
Susan Soe | 10 | paypal
With my sql query I am trying to get the sums for all payment_methods. Unfortunately payment_methods which were not used this month don't show up.
So I created an additional table called PaymentMethods with the column Methods.
I then tried to use a LEFT JOIN
to get a result like this:
payment_method | TotalQuantity (->sum(price))
creditcard | 20
premium | 0
sofort | 0
bank | 0
paypal | 10
But instead I only get those sums returned which have a payment_method used that month already.
payment_method | TotalQuantity (-> sum(price))
creditcard | 20
paypal | 10
This is my statement. I would really appreciate some input on what I do wrong here.
SELECT payment_method, SUM(IFNULL(price,0)) AS TotalQuantity
FROM PaymentMethods
LEFT JOIN PaymentMethods
ON SlotBookingsFullView.payment_method=PaymentMethods.Methods
WHERE (booking_date BETWEEN '2018-07-01 00:00:00' AND '2018-07-30 23:59:59')
* EDIT *
m0lochwalker pointed out that I should use GROUP BY
clause...I had it but it got during copy&paste action. Here it is.
GROUP BY PaymentMethods.Methods ORDER BY PaymentMethods.Methods DESC
There is one more typo in your query:
FROM PaymentMethods LEFT JOIN PaymentMethods
must be FROM PaymentMethods LEFT JOIN SlotBookingsFullView
of course.– Thorsten Kettner
Jul 2 at 6:36
FROM PaymentMethods LEFT JOIN PaymentMethods
FROM PaymentMethods LEFT JOIN SlotBookingsFullView
2 Answers
When you outer join records, their values are null:
So with
WHERE (SlotBookingsFullView.booking_date BETWEEN '2018-07-01 00:00:00'
AND '2018-07-30 23:59:59')
you are dismissing all outer-joined rows, because their booking_date
is not in the desired date range, but null obviously. This renders your join a mere inner join. Put criteria on outer-joins in their ON
clause instead:
SELECT pm.Methods, COALESCE(SUM(b.Price), 0) AS TotalQuantity
FROM PaymentMethods pm
LEFT JOIN SlotBookingsFullView b
ON b.payment_method = pm.Methods
AND b.booking_date >= date '2018-07-01'
AND b.booking_date < date '2018-07-31'
GROUP BY pm.Methods
ORDER BY pm.Methods DESC;
(As you see, COALESCE
belongs outside of SUM
not inside it, because if the sum is null, you want to replace it with zero.)
Your solution is working just perfect! Also thank you for the explanation Thorsten!
– Jo Ggernaut
Jul 2 at 10:27
Your result is what a LEFT JOIN would do. You should SUM TotalQuantity and Group By payment_method. Have you looked at the Group By clause? Something like:
SELECT payment_method, sum(totalquantity) as qty
FROM myTable
GROUP BY payment_method
Thanks for your reply. You are right. GROUP BY is needed and I had it already but lost it when copying it over. See edit. What I don't understand in your reply is how sum(totalqantity) should work. totalquantity is not a column but a 'variable'.
– Jo Ggernaut
Jul 2 at 5:01
I was on mobile and reading fast. Thought I could help by suggesting Group By. Glad you got it working.
– m0lochwalker
Jul 3 at 1:42
By the way you could have grouped by your ‘variable’ without creating another table by using CTE. Check them out.
– m0lochwalker
Jul 3 at 2:19
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Your result is what a LEFT JOIN would do. You should SUM TotalQuantity and Group By payment_method. Have you looked at the Group By clause? Something like:
– m0lochwalker
Jul 1 at 21:04