the_post_thumbnail returns outside the the hyperlink

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

the_post_thumbnail returns outside the the hyperlink

when I use get_the_post_thumbnail it returns the featured image default size inside <a></a> but when I use it without get to insert the predefined size name in function file it returns the desired size but outside the hyperlink.



$args = array('showposts' => 25);
$the_query = new WP_Query( $args );
if( $the_query->have_posts() ):
echo '<ul>';
while ( $the_query->have_posts()) : $the_query->the_post();
echo '<span><li><a href="'.get_the_permalink().'">' .the_post_thumbnail('shapely-grid').' '.get_the_title().'</a> <p>' .get_the_excerpt($limit).'</p></li></span>';
echo '</ul>';
wp_reset_query(); ?>

1 Answer

If you read the documentation here you'll see that the function does an immediate 'echo' as do most wp functions that start with 'the_'. so either use or change code to something like:

echo '<span><li><a href="'.get_the_permalink().'">' ;
echo ' '.get_the_title().'</a> <p>' .get_the_excerpt($limit).'</p></li></span>';

I have read it but totally missed that, it worked.
– Mohamed Samir
Jul 2 at 1:36

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