TKCustomMap Version Conflict

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

TKCustomMap Version Conflict

This issue has been reported on GitHub here -

Has anyone else has struggled with this? I was stoked to find this nuget package because it does exactly what I'm looking for but it needs Places and some other GooglePlayServices installed and I can't install them because of this conflict.

I'm also not sure if uninstalling TK.CustomMap and then installing the Play Services would even help because the person who reported the issue on GitHub said-

I converted my app to .net 2.0 and had to use the newest Google play services
60.1142.1 for AdMob to work. It wouldn't install until I uninstalled TK.CustomMap, and now TK.CustomMap won't reinstall because it only want to use GooglePlayServices 42.1021.1

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error NU1107 Version conflict detected for Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Tasks. Reference the package directly from the project to resolve this issue.
HunterTracker.Android -> Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Base 60.1142.1 -> Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Tasks (= 60.1142.1)
HunterTracker.Android -> HunterTracker -> TK.CustomMap 2.0.1 -> Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Location 42.1021.1 -> Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Tasks (= 42.1021.1).

That's pretty much the exact error I'm getting trying to install the other packages. There's no resolution on github.

Anybody found a work around? Or does anyone know how to "Reference the package directly from the project"?

Just download that repo and update it dependancies manually and rebuild it, then use the resulting assemblies in your solution.
– SushiHangover
Jul 2 at 1:39

Ok. I'm pretty new to VS. After I download and update how do I find the assemblies and use them in the solution?
– Travis Fleenor
Jul 2 at 2:31

Assuming you build it you release mode, there will be bin/Release directories in each the project directories, one for iOS, Android, UWP....
– SushiHangover
Jul 2 at 2:38

Then you just copy the contents of the bin folder from that project into the new one and then include them in the solution at build?
– Travis Fleenor
Jul 2 at 3:08

Add a "Reference" to those assemblies, matching the referenced assembly to the project type... the Android assembly to your Xamarin.Android project, iOS to the iOs project, ....
– SushiHangover
Jul 2 at 3:15

1 Answer

Thanks to SushiHangover's comments above pointing me in the right direction I was able to discover what I needed to do here. I had an error updating the nuget packages of TK.CustomMap at first because v26 Xamarin.Android.Support.Vector.Drawable was targeting MonoAndroid8.0 and the update to v27 must target MonoAndroid8.1 So it took quite a bit just to be able to update the nuget packages in order to get the assemblies with later versions so I could use TK.CustomMap in my solution. But I was eventually able to get there. Here were the steps I followed (as best I can remember). I am unable to compile ios right now because I don't have a MAC so that fix will have to come later. This fix is for the shared project and Android project only







In the nuget folder in TK.CustomMap.nuspec changed the target framework in this section

<group targetFramework="libMonoAndroid7.0">
<dependency id="Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Location" version="42.1021.1" />
<dependency id="Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Places" version="42.1021.1" />
<dependency id="Xamarin.Android.Maps.Utils" version="0.5.0" />
<dependency id="Xamarin.Forms" version="" />
<dependency id="Newtonsoft.Json" version="10.0.3" />


<group targetFramework="libMonoAndroid">

so it could target any version

At this point opened solution I had tried to implement TK.CustomMap in previously to attempt the fix. Remember the original issues was that the latest frameworks could not be used and 42.1021.1 frameworks were unable to locate and files so they had to be updated or no TK.CustomMap

Thanks to Sushi Hangover for the advice. I haven't seen any comprehensive tutorials anywhere on how to accomplish this so I figured I would post my own answer in case anyone else was looking. Definitely if you are new to VS all this stuff is no walk in the park in the beginning.

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