Transferring Pointers from Python to dll and get modified values back

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Transferring Pointers from Python to dll and get modified values back
I am struggeling with the following problem, which is, I guess, not that complicated for people with more advanced C skills.
My intention is to access C++ funtions stored in an DLL from Python.
I managed to get this running for simple functions as ADD and MULT.
As the funtions I'd like to access (later) will return multiple float values I need tu use pointers.
I'd like to do the following basic steps:
-Create a variable in python,
-Transfer the pointer to the dll (ctypes --> c_pointer(...)),
-Update the value the pointer is referring to;
-go back to python and use the modified value.
My C++ funtion I used for dll creation is:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
#include <fstream>
using namespace::std;
extern "C" {
int Kappel(double a, double *f){
*f = 25.5;
return 0;
} // extern "C"
My python code to call the function in the dll looks like:
import os
import os.path
import ctypes
from ctypes import pointer,c_long,c_int,c_double
lib = ctypes.CDLL(lib_path)
lib.Kappel.resttype = pointer(c_double())
p = 1.5
Cp = c_double(1.5)
Cp_ = pointer(c_double(p))
def test3(wert, zeiger):
func = lib.Kappel
Res = func(wert, zeiger)
return Res
#Output after modification
print('Returnvalue: ', test3(Cp,Cp_))
Thanks for any help
Sorry, the implied question was if somebody can identify the source of the problem in my code.
– E.Kappel
Jun 21 at 9:48
2 Answers
Solved the issue minutes ago.
It was as simple as supposed...
Does not work:
p = 1.5
Cp = c_double(p)
Cp_ = pointer(c_double(p))
p = 1.5
Cp = c_double(p)
Cp_ = pointer(Cp)
has byref
, which is the preferred way to do what you want:
# Given: int Kappel(double a, double *f)
lib.Kappel.argtypes = c_double,POINTER(c_double)
lib.Kappel.restype = c_int
out = c_double() # Create instance of a C type to pass by reference.
print(out.value) # Retrieve the value.
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You neglected to ask a question in your question.
– WhozCraig
Jun 21 at 8:17