Web Runtime alternatives to Electron/nw.js for Centos 6?

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

Web Runtime alternatives to Electron/nw.js for Centos 6?

I know my title sounds crazy, as right now the popular practice is to use something like Electron or nw.js for desktop applications written using web stack technologies, but here's why I'm searching for alternative desktop web runtime solutions:

So, to minimize code paths and maximize compatibility, my options appear to be:

Has anyone else tried to bridge this gap to consolidate desktop apps and web apps when unfortunately Electron/nw.js aren't viable? Or does the simplification I'm searching for simply not exist?

Can you run Electron in a Docker container on your Centos machine? That might be a possible cross-platform solution for you. Perhaps this would be helpful: stackoverflow.com/questions/39930223/…
– Matt Morgan
Jul 2 at 0:29

Thanks @Matt Morgan. Although I haven't given it quite a fair try, my understanding is docker no longer supports centos 6. I suppose I could use an old version of docker, but then would that old version be able to support Electron you think?
– ecoe
Jul 2 at 0:32

It's a fair question. I don't know the answer, but maybe a little digging and experimentation will give you the answer. It certainly sounds better than maintaining two different implementations.
– Matt Morgan
Jul 2 at 0:37

I'm quickly gaining interest in this idea, but my only other reservation is that customers would be weary figuring out how to install docker on their machines. Is there a simplified way, maybe by distributing docker binaries?
– ecoe
Jul 2 at 0:50

I would create a nodejs application that can be viewed from within the Browser. It can still access system resources then.
– Hans Koch
Jul 2 at 7:42

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