Serenity tutorial for testing

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Serenity tutorial for testing
Im doing the above tutorial and im in
4.2.1. Implementing a simple business task class
Now Im stuck in:
The only thing we do need to do is to add some Serenity instrumentation to the instance using the net.serenitybdd.screenplay.Tasks.instrumented() method, so that the task and underlying actions will appear in the Serenity reports:
package task;
import net.serenitybdd.screenplay.Actor;
import net.serenitybdd.screenplay.Task;
public class StartWith implements Task {
public <T extends Actor> void performAs(T actor) {
public static StartWith anEmptyTodoList() {
return instrumented(StartWith.class);
This is my code and Im getting error in instrumented
How to fix that error?
Im using netbeans. When I do right click > fix imports. Still not fix
Added import
import static net.serenitybdd.screenplay.Tasks.instrumented;
Still same error
public class StartWith {
public static StartWithAnEmptyList anEmptyTodoList() {
return Instrumented(StartWithAnEmptyList.class);
public static StartWithATodoListContaining aTodoListContaining(String... todos) {
return Instrumented.instanceOf(StartWithATodoListContaining.class)
Im just wondering why in return
I have no error for Instrumented
Error :
cannot find symbol
symbol: method Instrumented(Class)
location: class StartWith
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