Twitter api redirect to empty page

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Twitter api redirect to empty page
In this page:
There are four logging options. All works fine except twitter. They redirects to the profile page, but redirects to an empty page. Why is that?
Here is the code for the login page:
else if (isset($_GET['method']) && $_GET['method']=='twitter_brand'){
//Successful response returns oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, user_id, and screen_name
$connection = new TwitterOAuth($config_twitter_id, $config_twitter_secret, $_SESSION['token'] , $_SESSION['token_secret']);
$access_token = $connection->getAccessToken($_REQUEST['oauth_verifier']);
if($connection->http_code == '200')
//Redirect user to twitter
$_SESSION['status'] = 'verified';
$_SESSION['request_vars'] = $access_token;
//Insert user into the database
$user_info = $connection->get('account/verify_credentials');
$name = explode(" ",$user_info->name);
$fname = isset($name[0])?$name[0]:'';
$lname = isset($name[1])?$name[1]:'';
$UserData = array(
'oauth_provider'=> 'twitter',
'oauth_uid' => $user_info->id_str,
'first_name' => $fname,
'last_name' => $lname,
'picture' => $user_info->profile_image_url,
//'link' => $json['data']['link']
// put info in session
$_SESSION['UserData']['oauth_uid'] =$UserData['oauth_uid'];
//$db_user = new Users();
//Unset no longer needed request tokens
//header('Location: index.php');
if (!isset($userexist) )
$userexist = $dbobj->getAllData('*', 'oauth_uid', $_SESSION['UserData']['oauth_uid'], 'asc', 1, 'id');
if ($userexist == FALSE) {
if (isset($UserData))
// set session and header to profile
die("error, try again later!");
include './view/register_form_brand.php';
else if (isset($_GET['method']) && $_GET['method']=='email'){
include './view/elogin_form.php';
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