Using Eclipse Java Photon I have written a code with a While loop that is ending after one loop [closed]

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Using Eclipse Java Photon I have written a code with a While loop that is ending after one loop [closed]
I am writing a code in Eclipse for a class. The code contains a while loop but is not looping. As far as I know the parameters of the loop are being met. This is a program for a Finch robot. After the fist loop I get a message that says "Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS_: -Xmx512M. I found a post that said to delete that for the system environment but it didn't work.
import java.util.*;
import edu.cmu.ri.createlab.terk.robot.finch.Finch;
* Created by:
* Date:
* A starter file to use the Finch
public class FinchTemplateFile
public static void main(final String args)
// Instantiating the Finch object
Finch myFinch = new Finch();
//Read clock to call out time
Date d1 = new Date();
// Light sensor feedback for program start
// Continues as long as finch is beak up
while (myFinch.isBeakUp() && (myFinch.getRightLightSensor() > 1));
//Say "Time to wake up + date and time", spin left then right, buzz
//flash red, buzz, flash green, buzz, flash blue.
myFinch.saySomething("Time to Wake up it is" + d1, 5000);
myFinch.setWheelVelocities(255, -255, 2000);
myFinch.setWheelVelocities(-255, 255, 2000);, 2000);
myFinch.setLED(255, 0, 0, 2000);, 2000);
myFinch.setLED(0, 255, 0, 2000);, 2000);
myFinch.setLED(0, 0, 255, 2000);
//End Program
The program is supposed to check there is light and the finch is on its tail and loop the alarm until one of those variable changes. It has been a while since my last Java class so I don't know if it is something I am doing or not. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:
Possible duplicate of While loop only running through once... (Java)
– Robin Green
Jul 1 at 22:26
Thank you Jorn, I had a feeling I was doing something stupid I just couldn't find it.
– Dan Skender
Jul 1 at 23:57
Delete the
after the while statement, that makes it so the while loop is empty and the flowing{...}
block is just a regular block that only executes once.– Jorn Vernee
Jul 1 at 22:19