Sample DVD Rental database, find a customers favorite actor

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Sample DVD Rental database, find a customers favorite actor
I've been trying to improve my SQL join skills. I'm using the classic sample DVD Rental Database (can be found here
). I am trying to determine a customers favorite actor, by counting up all appearances the actor has appeared in all the movies the customer has rented.
Right now I have this monster query that has 3 sub queries.
SELECT email, actor.last_name, count(actor.last_name)
FROM (SELECT email, actor_id
FROM (SELECT email, film_id
FROM (SELECT email, inventory_id
FROM customer as cu
JOIN rental ON cu.customer_id = rental.customer_id
ORDER BY email) as sq
JOIN inventory ON sq.inventory_id = inventory.inventory_id) as sq2
JOIN film_actor ON sq2.film_id = film_actor.film_id) as sq3
JOIN actor ON sq3.actor_id = actor.actor_id
GROUP BY email, actor.last_name
ORDER BY COUNT(actor.last_name) DESC;
And what I end up getting is the full list of emails, the actor's last name, and the total number of appearances, like so -
email actor.last_name count
"" "Nolte" "12"
"" "Guiness" "11"
"" "Temple" "11"
"" "Kilmer" "11"
"" "Nolte" "11"
"" "Willis" "10" etc
How can I modify my query so that I only get the top actor for each email, and is there a way to make this query simpler and yield the same results?
1 Answer
In terms of simplifying this query, keep in mind to use table alias's.
Your query is full of unnecessary subquery's that can be boiled down to this:
SELECT, act.last_name, count(act.last_name)
FROM customer as cu
JOIN rental as ren ON cu.customer_id = ren.customer_id
JOIN inventory as inv ON ren.inventory_id = inv.inventory_id
JOIN film_actor as fil ON inv.film_id = fil.film_id
JOIN actor as act ON act.actor_id = fil.actor_id
group by,act.last_name
Next in terms of attaining the top actor per email address we can apply the row_number() window function and then subquery where row number = 1 to narrow in the results:
Select,x.last_name,x.count from (
SELECT, act.last_name, count(act.last_name)
,row_number() over(partition by email order by COUNT(act.last_name) DESC )
FROM customer as cu
JOIN rental as ren ON cu.customer_id = ren.customer_id
JOIN inventory as inv ON ren.inventory_id = inv.inventory_id
JOIN film_actor as fil ON inv.film_id = fil.film_id
JOIN actor as act ON act.actor_id = fil.actor_id
group by,act.last_name
) as x
where row_number = 1
ORDER BY x.count DESC;
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Ah I just learned about the joining on joins. Makes a lot of sense. I did not know about that row_number() or over() or partition function. I'll look those up. Thanks for the answer!
– bjk116
Jul 2 at 23:42