Finding frequent itemsets with Apriori Algorithm?

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Finding frequent itemsets with Apriori Algorithm?
I am trying to code the apriori algorithm in Java but am facing a problem regarding frequent itemsets.
My mininum support is 1% -> each of the itemsets must be in one or more transactions.
In order to understand the algorithm, ive started with cardinality 1.
Now the more transactions I compute the less correct my implementation gets though it works with less than 4 transactions.
private static void checkForFrequentItemSet() {
ArrayList<String> transactions = collectTransactions();
ArrayList<String> items = createItemList(); // First Iteration actually, C1
int k = 1;
// while(!items.isEmpty())
// {
items = generateCandidates(items, k);
System.out.println("There are exactly " + items.size() + " frequent itemsets containing " + k + " item(s):");
System.out.println(items);// Remember this is c1 at first iteration
ArrayList<String> finalItems = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String t : items) // For every candidate
int threshold = 0;
int counter = 0;
String singleContents = t.split(" "); // get single candidates
List<String> singleItem = Arrays.asList(singleContents);
for (String i : transactions)
String singleTransa = i.split(" ");// and single transaction elements
List<String> singleTransaList = Arrays.asList(singleTransa);
for (String c : singleTransaList)
if (singleItem.contains(c))
if (counter == singleItem.size()) // If Transaction i contains all elements of of one itemset
{threshold++; System.out.println(t+":"+counter);}
if (threshold >= min_sup) // iff the treshold is greater than a min sup
{finalItems.add(t); System.out.println(t);}
System.out.println("Not found: "+t);
items = finalItems;
// }
I use this method to check if the transaction contains the candidate and if so, to add the candidate to the list.
Since it does work with 3 or less transactions, I think the code is okay-ish.
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