For() loop go back at begining after few iterations

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

For() loop go back at begining after few iterations

I have a very basic

for(int i=0; i<array.length; i++) loop in an ExpressJs application. It iterates to access an array elements, do an http request, wait for the answer (with await), than save the results in a mongodb database.
After a few iterations (3 or 4 elements) i can see in my logs that the i variable go back to 0 and it seems that the loop begins from 0 again; or my array have more than 100 elements.

for(int i=0; i<array.length; i++)

Desired behaviour : iterate on all elements, only one time inside my loop, from element 0 to array.length (basicaly i'm looking for normal behaviour of for() loop)

Complete code :

for(var i =0; i < stockList.length; i++){

var urlapi = someURL;

let A = await getStock(urlapi);

var symbolOfreturn =["Meta Data"]["2. Symbol"];

var lastClose =["Time Series (Daily)"]["2018-06-29"]["4. close"];

var openToday =["Time Series (Daily)"]["2018-06-29"]["1. open"];

var stock = new Stock({

Symbol: symbolOfreturn,

Market: "Nasdaq",

Sector: stockListTechnologie[i]["Sector"],

Name: stockListTechnologie[i]["Name"],

LastClose: lastClose,

OpenToday: openToday,

MarketCap: stockListTechnologie[i]["MarketCap"]

}); (err, stock) {

if (err) return console.error(err);


//201 for created


//timer to delay every http request
var stop = new Date().getTime();

while(new Date().getTime() < stop + 10000) {



//HERE IS THE ERROR, the i variable goes back to 0 after 3 or 4 iterations
console.log("value of: " + i);


Questions seeking debugging help ("why isn't this code working?") must include the desired behavior, a specific problem or error and the shortest code necessary to reproduce it in the question itself.
– LGSon
Jul 1 at 15:01

Strongly refer to How do I ask a good question? in the SE Help Center.
– Alex
Jul 1 at 15:07

How do I ask a good question?

SE Help Center

I added my desired behaviour, the problem is very specific, i suspect that the code doesn't iterate properly because of the way of node.js try to optimize the execution. I'm more seeking a confirmation here.
– Fazil.M
Jul 1 at 15:07

You most likely have a bug in your code which has nothing to do with Node. If you can share the contents of the loop, that would be helpful.
– Damon
Jul 1 at 15:14

Eeeck. This while(new Date().getTime() < stop + 10000) {;}; is horrible.
– jfriend00
Jul 1 at 15:55

while(new Date().getTime() < stop + 10000) {;};

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