How to do a code optimization for data export/import to uielements

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

How to do a code optimization for data export/import to uielements

I have a gui with a uitable with a maximum of 30 rows and 30 edit-boxes. I what 2 specific things. 1) Export the cell array with the uitable strings (4 columns and 1–30 rows). Then I want the values of the 30 edit-boxes inserted in the cell array in column 5. 2) Finally I want to be able to load the exported cell array; the 4 first columns into the uitable and the 5th column into the edit-boxes. The code I have created (see below) is exporting/importing an excel sheet but it is very slow, even with only 5–7 rows in the uitable. How can I make this faster and more elegant. I doesn’t have to be an excel sheet. It can be a *.txt, *.cvs or something else (not *.mat).

% --- Dataset example
GUIstate = {
'REF20171002-2.txt' 'REF20171002-2' '217096907-1.txt' [217096907] [1]
'REF20171002-4.txt' 'REF20171002-4' '217096909-1.txt' [217096909] [3]
'REF20171002-4.txt' 'REF20171002-4' '217096911-1.txt' [217096911] ''
'REF20171002-4.txt' 'REF20171002-4' '217100125-1.txt' [217100125] [5]
'REF20171002-4.txt' 'REF20171002-4' '217100141-1.txt' [217100141] ''

% --- Save GUI state on pushbutton324.
function pushbutton324_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
data = get( handles.uitable1, 'data');
data2 = data(:,[1:4]);
data3 = data2(~all(cellfun('isempty', data2(:, 3)), 2), :);
[r c]=size(data3);
for i = 1:num

[filename, pathname] = uiputfile(fullfile(Folder, '*.xls'),'Save GUI file as');
newfilename = fullfile(pathname, filename);

% --- Load GUI state on pushbutton325.
function pushbutton325_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
[filename, pathname] = uigetfile(fullfile(Folder, '*.xls'));
newfilename = fullfile(pathname, filename);
[~, ~, data] = xlsread(newfilename,'Sheet1');
set( handles.uitable1, 'Data', data(:,1:4));
[r c]=size(data);
for k = 1:num;
if isnan(conc{k})
conc{k} = '';
for i = 1:num

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