How to use C++ /WinRT HttpRequestMessage with Custom POST Body and HttpFormUrlEncodedContent (UWP App)

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How to use C++ /WinRT HttpRequestMessage with Custom POST Body and HttpFormUrlEncodedContent (UWP App)
In Windows 10, 1803 it is possible to call the WinRT from standard conforming C++. The C++ /CX language extensions are not required anymore.
I already know how to send a post Request to a Server using the HttpRequestMessage Class:
#pragma comment(lib, "windowsapp")
#include "pch.h"
#include "winrt/Windows.Web.Http.Filters.h"
#include "winrt/Windows.Web.Http.Headers.h"
#include <winrt/Windows.Foundation.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Foundation.Collections.h>
#include <string_view>
using namespace winrt;
using namespace Windows::Foundation;
using namespace Windows::Web::Http;
using namespace Windows::Web::Http::Filters;
using namespace Windows::Web::Http::Headers;
using namespace Windows::Foundation::Collections;
using namespace std::literals;
using namespace std;
IAsyncAction HttpClientExample(Uri uri)
HttpBaseProtocolFilter filter;
HttpClient httpClient(filter);
HttpRequestMessage loginRequest(HttpMethod::Post(), uri);
auto response{ co_await httpClient.SendRequestAsync(loginRequest) };
HttpCookieCollection cookieCollection = filter.CookieManager().GetCookies(uri);
wcout << cookieCollection.Size() << L" cookies found." << endl;
for (HttpCookie cookie : cookieCollection) {
wcout << L"Name: " << cookie.Name().c_str() << endl;
wcout << L"Domain: " << cookie.Domain().c_str() << endl;
wcout << L"Path: " << cookie.Path().c_str() << endl;
wcout << L"Value: " << cookie.Value().c_str() << endl;
catch (winrt::hresult_error const& ex)
// Details in ex.message() and ex.to_abi().
int main() {
Uri uri{ L""sv };
How do i set a Custom Header using HttpFormUrlEncodedContent and how do i set custom content in the POST Body?
Thank you for your help!
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POST request sends its content as part of the URL (as opposed to the body), as a list of key-value pairs (<uri>?<key1>=<val1>&<key2>=<val2>&...
). You can set up a HttpFormUrlEncodedContent object by passing the key-value pairs into its constructor. You can assign headers by accessing its Headers property.– IInspectable
16 hours ago