remove duplicate sass imports (webpack)

Multi tool use
remove duplicate sass imports (webpack)
I have a big project with a lot of sass files (and all of them import a main sass file with some varibales and classes).
I belive you all know the problem that the file that i am import in all of my css files is duplicate in the main css file after buiding the project.
i tried using ExtractTextPlugin options and plugin that called OptimizeCssAssetsPlugin, and i didnt find solution for this problem.
Here is the plugins array in my webpack prod config:
new ExtractTextPlugin({
filename: "styles.css",
new OptimizeCssAssetsPlugin({
assetNameRegExp: /.optimize.css$/g,
cssProcessor: require('cssnano'),
cssProcessorOptions: { safe: true, discardComments: { removeAll: true } },
canPrint: true
anyone know the solution for this problem?
thank you!
@Er.Ellison i am importing the main sass file inside every sass file that i have in the project, so i dont think that this is the answer
– Nir Berko
Jul 1 at 12:16
1 Answer
Less users are in luck! @import (reference) does exactly what it that:
Use @import (reference) to import external files, but without adding the imported styles to the compiled output unless referenced.
However in Stylus /Sass, there is no direct way to import by reference:
The closest you will get is a silent class / placeholder. These work a little different to how LESS and reference work, you can read more on them here:
Refernce: Rerernce
i found this solution and it dosn't seems to work:… you know this solution?
– Nir Berko
Jul 1 at 14:39
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your answer is here…
– Er.Ellison
Jul 1 at 11:12