Sending live video frame over network to a remote server in python opencv [closed]

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Sending live video frame over network to a remote server in python opencv [closed]
I am trying to send frames that I am catching with my camera using opencv to a remote server, I tried to build a Rest Service using Flask, also I tried to use the socket, but the problem with this two solution is that both are too slow, and I'am looking for a real time solution.
Can someone help?
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thanks for the answer, but now i do my tests in the localhost so i don't think that the bindwidth is the problem
– lotfi Raghib
Jul 1 at 1:11
probably not the sockets are too slow but your bandwidth isn't big enough. Calculate your bandwidth needs by image width times image height times bits per pixel times frames per second. Typically you'll need some good image encoding, if you don't use a gigabit lan, but a good encoding is txpically quite compute intensive. For good rtsp streaming solution you can try live555 library.
– Micka
Jun 30 at 19:12